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Kids - App Help & Tutorials

How do I send a post to a friend?

You can send any public post to a GROM user by tapping the send post arrow that shows up on any post on the feed. 

From there, select the friends you want to send the post to, and tap send! It's that easy. 

How do I reply to a comment?

You can reply to comments on any post in two different ways:

  • Tapping the reply button below any comment
  • Sliding any comment to the left and tapping the gray reply arrow.
How do I react to a post?

On the feed, you can react to posts rather than just liking them by long-pressing the like button. 

There are 3 additional reactions that you can choose from on the feed:

  • Thumbs up
  • Laugh
  • Wow

How do I change my Gromatar’s appearance?

You can always change your Gromatar’s appearance by going to the Dressing Room from the home screen.

Why was I asked to change my nickname?

If we find your nickname harmful or offensive, we may ask you to change your nickname. We strive to be as safe and inclusive as possible at GROM, and with ever-changing youth slang and code-words, some word combinations may be deemed inappropriate.  

How do I change my nickname?

On GROM, you can change your nickname once per year by going into settings and then tapping Login Information

From there, tap Change Nickname and type a new nickname.

Note: You may be asked to change your nickname if we find it harmful or offensive.

How do I block or unblock a user?

Blocking a user:

If a GROM user is being problematic, you can block their account by tapping the 3 dots in the top right corner of their profile page, and selecting block user

Note: if this user is posting harmful content, bullying, or showing harmful/illegal content, please report them as well in the same menu that you find the block user button. 

Unblocking a user:

You can find a list of all the accounts you have blocked by going into settings and tapping blocked users

From there, you can unblock any user by tapping the X to the right of their nickname and confirming the action.

What are interests used for?

When you select interest on your account, they will be used to curate your feed and show you more videos based on the topics that you select. You can always edit your interests in settings. 

When you upload a video to GROM, you can tag the video with the same set of topics used for interests so that people that like that kind of content will see it first.

I want to delete my account.

Before you delete your account, please reach out to us with any questions or concerns so we can try to help make your GROM experience better for you. 

If you still would like to delete your GROM account, you can do so by:

  • Go to Settings
  • Tap Delete Account
  • Enter your nickname
  • Enter your password
  • Confirm your account deletion

Be careful! ALL of your data will be deleted from our servers if you delete your account and it cannot be recovered.

I forgot my password

If you forgot your GROM password, you must have a parent account linked in order to send a password reset.

If you are a child with a parent link:

  • Tap forgot password when you try to log in
  • Enter your nickname 
  • Your password reset code will be sent to the email address associated with the parent-linked account.
  • Enter the reset code and type a new password.